Supporting your empowerment


  • Co-creation and management of impacting projects;

  • Advice and concrete leads to develop Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR);

  • Identifying and supporting the development of partnerships in line with your values and ethics.



  • Support in creating inclusive events and identifying diverse speakers;
  • Mentoring to develop diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within your organisation;
  • Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and assisting with the B Corp certification process.


  • Facilitating and moderating panels, discussions and conferences;

  • Developing and managing communities, putting people in touch to enable impactful collaborations;

  • Supporting the recruitment of diverse profiles.

About Magaly

As a collaborative facilitator, I develop impact projects in the fields of social innovation and societal transition. I create links and projects with organisations and individuals from different backgrounds and with different needs.

Co-founder of the Powerhouse empowerment space​ and the ada:flow initiative, I have been working for several years with companies to improve their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and develop the diversity of their teams.

From volunteering in refugee camps on the Greek islands to managing large-scale projects in the tech sector, notably for EPFL, the EPFL Parc Innovation Foundation and Trust Valley, I particularly enjoy proposing concrete solutions to complex challenges in demanding environments.

Il est rare de rencontrer des personnes avec autant d’énergie positive, soutenues par des valeurs d’ouverture et de partage profondes. C‘est le cas de Magaly.

Pour couronner le tout, elle sait faire preuve d’une créativité hors norme, avec des idées originales et des perspectives uniques et différenciées.


J.-F. Saint-Pierre, Program manager, World Health Data Hub, World Health Organization WHO


N. Perren, Senior HR Business Partner, Pictet Group


M. Ducret, Déléguée partenariat et placement, Fondation Mode d’Emploi


C. Feuz, Directrice adjointe de la communication et porte-parole, EPFL


M. von Holzen, Rédactrice en chef, Le Temps



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Contact me

Let’s discuss your needs and wishes.